I'm going to be posting little bits of code here and there that I think are useful. Recently, for this blog I wanted to resize a bunch of images from the 6MP that my camera puts out (3000x2000) into something more appropriate for web publishing, say 640x480.
My current programming language that I use is Python, which is useful for a whole bunch of stuff and is what I program all my robots in.
The script resizes all the images to be 480 wide and otherwise to keep the previous aspect ratio - we don't want to distort the images if they are in Portrait (taller than wide) format. If you want a differnt size just change the "480" to something else (say "600" to get all the pictures to be around 800x600). You can also perform a format change using this technique by changing the line
newPic = "sm-"+newPic +".jpg"
To be something else, for example PNG format
newPic = "sm-"+newPic +".png"
This Python script is dependent on PIL (Python Imaging Library) and the Win32 libraries and is written using Python 2.5 but should work in later versions:
Python for Windows
PIL Python Imaging Library
WIN32 for Python Utilities
Here goes:
import Image
import os
ddd = os.listdir(".")
pics = []
for ent in ddd:
if ent.find("jpg")>0:
print len(pics)
for pic in pics:
im = Image.open(pic)
print "OPEN: ",pic
imSize = im.size
print "Old Size:",imSize
imSize = (imSize[0]*480/imSize[1], 480)
im2 = im.resize(imSize,Image.ANTIALIAS)
print "New Size:",imSize
ns = len(pic)
ns -=4 #take off suffix
newPic = pic[:ns]
newPic = "sm-"+newPic +".jpg"
print "SAVED: ",newPic
print " "
print "FINISHED"
## end
You can find another person's code for this at this location
Resize Image Code
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